Summer 2024
I often refer to this magazine by several different names and terms.
Among them Edible, The Book, Pub, Issue, Mag, “We,” etc. I’ve also told a number of folks I’ve met in coffee shops or at breweries to think of us as a postcard.
An email inbox littered with spam, newsletters, status updates and calendar invitations sends me into a daily panic over messages missed and friends forgotten. But a daily trip to the mailbox requires thoughtful consideration to ensure a small piece of personal correspondence hasn’t somehow gotten trapped in the pages of a weekly flier or another U-Line Spring 2024 Catalog. Most days, there’s nothing there, but when I do find one, a postcard almost instantly makes me smile.
Even before you know who the card is from, it immediately engages you. Whatever image or advertisement that has found its way into your home and into your hands was selected, stamped and sent to you in an intentional act, but by whom or from where–and often why–isn’t always clear at first glance.
From esoteric art to advertisements, if it can be fit down to 3-by-5 inches, it can be put on a postcard. But because there is limited space to share a message, this imagery often serves as its own communique. That Greetings from _________ framing a Kodak Moment-esque landscape serves as both a check-in from afar and a billboard for the point of origin. Now, the game changes a little when you find your postcard’s message first as your small piece of paper turns into a personal fan while you flip it back and forth, reading bits of personal correspondence, trying to determine if the two sides make sense together. So how is our “book” like a postcard? Well, in this specific instance, we have two covers, so perhaps you have already turned this collection of bound pages into a fan to cool you off from the summer heat! QED.
When we print and distribute each issue, we don’t know exactly whose hands the magazine will end up in, but we hope that it, too, brings a smile to their face. We have gathered together amazing photographs to help set the scene and brief snippets from our adventures to share with you. Our goal is to inspire you to get out and experience something! It doesn't have to be something new, in fact, go and visit an old favorite that brings back a memory. Then go out, explore something new and make some new memories.
While you're at it, send us a postcard from somewhere and help inspire us going forward. Our address is Edible Inland NW, 1314 S Grand Blvd #2195, Spokane, Washington, 99204. Where should we visit? What have we missed? How can we help make Spokane and the Inland Northwest a more delicious and inclusive place for all of our friends and neighbors to live, create, eat and drink?!
On behalf of the entire team at Edible Inland Northwest, we hope you have an amazing summer!
Purchase the Print Edition for $10.
The 2024 Spokane Lilac Festival
Edible Inland Northwest is proud to sponsor the Spokane Lilac Festival Association and their 2024 Brewfest. Join us on Saturday, May 18, as 30+ breweries from Spokane and across the region gather to celebrate and raise a glass to the Lilac City.
Stories in this edition